Simple Smart Meter (SSM) using Rapberry Pi and ESP32

Having some troubles to recover a “Volkszähler” system (server doesn’t exists any more), I decided to build my own Smart Meter system,  user friendly, small footprint and simple to maintenance. The concept: S0 Impulses are counted via interrupt on a microcontroller (ESP32) and sent to a Web-server running on a Rasperry Pi. Every time, after …

Rpi2-TVHEADEND Recording to NAS

Synonyms: xx.xx.xx.xx (IP address of your NAS) username_nas  (username of NAS) password_nas (password of NAS) Tasks: define mounting dir automount: add entry to fstab and boot-wait for network configure tvheadend-recording Commands: sudo md /mnt/recordings sudo vi /etc/fstab add line: //xx.xx.xx.xx/path/to/folder /mnt/recordings cifs username=username_nas,password=password_nas,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8 0 0 sudo raspi-config: Wait for Network at Boot -> set to …

Broadcasting DVB-C/T in your

Preconditions: Rpi2 (Raspbian jessie + tvheadend) connected to your network TV-Stick (i.e. TERRATEC CYNERGY HTC, white) connected to your Rpi2 Antenna (DVB-T or DVB-C) connected to your TV-Stick Alternative clients: Windows: VLC and/or Kodi Android: VLC and Tvhclient Raspberry: Openelec distribution Kodi Client Configuration: install Kodi and enable tvheadend HTSP Client, enter IP-address of your …


A) Widows-VLC open with rpi_address:9981/playlist? use tvheadend passwd you’ve been prompted during installation save playlist start playlist assigned with VLC view TV:) B) Android install VLC from appstore install tvhclient from appstore, enter connection-name and rpi_address leave ports unchanged view TV:)